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Kyuhwa Lee

I am a researcher at Wyss Center for Bio and Neuroengineering, working on translating movement intentions of patients into actions using brain signals. I'm curently a NeuroAI Group Leader and the Principal Investigator of an upperlimb BCI project, Synapsuit.

I'm interested in discovering informative patterns from brain signals using a data-driven approach. I design and apply real-time machine learning algorithms for decoding brain signal patterns of motor-impaired patients and help them regain motor control or communicate. My educational background is in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.

I have previously worked with Prof. Grégoire Courtine, Prof. Jocelyne Bloch and Prof. José Millán at Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL) and Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV). I was advised by Prof. Yiannis Demiris and Prof. Tae-Kyun Kim while doing my PhD at Imperial College London.

Whenever I have free time, I work on music production. They can be found at SoundCloud. I occasionally take photographs, which can be found at my web gallery.

Recent news
  • 10.2022. Swiss-Korean bilateral project grant proposal Synapsuit was accepted by Innosuisse, partnered with Neurosoft and Korea Electronics Technology Institute. It will commence in April 2023.
  • 10.2022. Received BCI Award 2022 Nomination as one of 12 nominees.
  • 09.2022. Our paper titled "Principles of gait encoding in the subthalamic nucleus of people with Parkinson’s disease" was published in Science Translational Medicine, where my contribution was decoding leg forces and gait states from LFP signals of 18 patients, both online and offline.